
Monday, June 24, 2019

How Global Companies Are Providing Work From Home Opportunities To Work From Anywhere In The World

Work from home is not new in India or anywhere in the world. You do get many opportunities to work from home these days. But, it’s usually within the city, state or at the most within the country. What many of us aren’t really aware of is that there are many global companies that do hire from outside the country as well. So, if you are for example based in India, you could be working for a country in the USA from your home in India. Though there are other countries also which offer work from home opportunities across geographical borders, the USA does top the list of them all. As far as the pay scale is concerned, it does vary a lot. Let’s have a sneak peek into five of the global companies that hire worldwide.

  1. CCI Call Center International 500
A global call center outsourcing company, it hires people from across the world having fluency in different languages, hence from across the world.
  1. Brain Mass
This online opportunity is for Master’s degree and Ph. D degree holders as it is into online tutoring. It hires from around the world but pays in Canadian dollars. The company pays a certain percentage for answering questions around a particular subject.
  1. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Based out of US, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk hires people from across the world including India and is into (HITs) Human intelligence Tasks. Also, known as one of the original micro job sites, it pays a set of the fee to people who work to complete set of these tasks. The payment is done in US dollar, Amazon gift certificates and even in Indian Rupees based on the location.
  1. Accutron Global
The company is into transcription and hires part-time typists on contract to transcribe meetings, interviews, conference calls and more for finance business work. The company pays under around $ .005 to .006 per word for the work, which in-fact is quite lucrative, if you’re based out of India and working for them online.
  1. Covance
This is one organization which has a wide-spanning network of over 10,000 employees spread across over 25 countries working from home. It is a research organization into biopharmaceutical contracts. The only catch is that the work does involve 65% of travel across particular locations like Europe, Canada, and USA.
The aforementioned organizations are just a random few while the list is quite long and is ever increasing as technology is eliminating the geographical barriers and working across borders is becoming common day by day.

*Sourced from the Internet

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