
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hiring For Small Business – A Short Guide

It’s not a new in India particularly that small businesses do not have HR practices in place when it comes to hiring employees. The task is at times left into the hands of employees with not much of a recruitment know how. On the flip side with the advent of new technologies, small business now can have the same tools that biggies have and use them to the best of their advantage. Here’s a run-down few tips for small businesses to keep in mind while hiring.
Quality, Quality, Quality – Unlike big business trying to fill up umpteen positions that could run into double figures, small businesses have limited budget and positions and hence the concentration has to be quality and not quantity. Small business need to improvise their hiring methodology.
Facilities and Perks - If you want the best in the business, you need to offer them the same way. Good candidates always have options to choose from and if you have zeroed on some then providing them perks like work from home, a good working environment can certainly help you hire and retain good candidates
Smart Advertising - Traditional advertising is never a cup of tea of small businesses obviously because of the high cost involved around it. But, like technology has made for usage of smart tools to small businesses internet has made way for smart and cost effective advertising. Advertising on internet is effective and if done rightly gives you wonderful results
Last but not the least, the most important point around hiring for small businesses is to understand that primarily the positions are less and every position matters so the main objective while looking out for a suitable candidate is to understand that every candidate that you hire needs to contribute in taking the company or organization northward.

*Sourced from Internet

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