
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Making Cold Calls That Work

Many of the recruiters are really comfortable with cold calling, but ask the sales reps because what they do is the real kind of cold calling. Recruiters, on the other hand, are providing opportunities to the callers and are not exactly wasting the time of their target audiences. So, firstly every recruiter should be feeling confident about calling their potential candidate and not apologizing them for their time. Let’s take a run through some of the tips on making cold calls that work –

KEEP IT SHORT AND TO THE POINT – Ya, who has the time to go through lengthy emails that too during work hours. So, if you are sending a mail or call, keep it short. Highlight only the points that are important from the candidate as well as recruiters point of view. The reason behind the communication (their good profile), an awesome opportunity and why they need to talk to you (great company, great opportunity, great perks)
GARNER EYE BALLS – Always highlight what they are going to get, like opportunities, career growth, work environment, flexibilities, perks and more. Be to the point and clear also when making a cold call and then ask for a suitable time to talk.
GIVE IMPORTANCE– Everyone likes to hear about themselves anyways, and when it comes to recruiting it’s even more. So, the idea is to make them feel important. If it’s an email then have an attractive headline, and if it’s a call then talk to them while referring them as you and ask them for their time if they are interested.
CALLING IS BETTER – Though emails do work for some people, calling on a direct number is always a great idea more so if the candidate seems to be a high potential one. Though it might surprise many, for many recruiters it has worked effectively. When it comes to India, particularly, calling works better always because it’s direct, one on one and immediate.
In a nutshell, these days technology has already eliminated many barriers of communication, making it faster, easier and convenient – be it active or passive. But, all it boils down to is the way you craft your communication because in the end communication is the key.

*Sourced from the Internet

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How To Deal With A Bad Hire

Every brand, company or corporate has to undergo the pain of a bad hire at some point in time. But, once done, undoing it isn’t an easy task because you have already got into a sticky situation. Though, learning from your mistake is the first step you can take to work around it but you do need to find a sensible way out. Document the points about what went wrong while doing the hire primarily. Then, make a list of points that need a review before hiring.
  1. Devise a meticulous interview process – In order to help you foresee the performance of a candidate in the future, document all the verbal as well and non-verbal traits and behaviors of the candidate. This could especially be used for review before doing a hire.
  2. Design a thorough process for screening – Even though the hiring is done through the HR team and the recruiters, always try to design a methodology to record and evaluate the steps and how to use the evaluation in the future.
  3. Communicate the Company Values – The company values and its culture need to be defined and communicated to the applicant in order for the candidate and company to understand whether he or she is a culture fit or not.
  4. Understand their objectives – We spend most of the time of our day in office once we start working and hence it is very important to understand the candidates' role and how it is in sync with his or her goals in life as well as temperament and behavior. It does require a good ear though.
  5. Check on Previous Work Experience – Use the information around the previous experience of the candidate to find out the problem-solving abilities, the value systems, and overall skill sets. Visiting their social media accounts also gives you a sneak peek into your candidate.
These are just a few points that you need to keep on your checklist to avoid bad hires. As once the onboarding is done, and you find that the hire is bad and it’s not a situation that could be given time, then better to cut off early in order to avoid further losses.

*Sourced from Internet

Vhire4u is the Lading IT Job Consultancy in Bangalore

Thursday, September 12, 2019

5 Qualities Of Great Hires Straight From Hiring Experts

Hear it from the horse’s mouth about the qualities that great hires need to have, as the head honchos of top corporate giants share their list here. One of the Vice presidents of a big company believes that the success of every company including its operations, its values and even the way its team interacts begins with the type of people that work in that organization.

Positive Attitude - People with a positive attitude can bring in a lot of positivity within the organization. It’s apparently contagious and their go-getter kind of outlook does help in repelling the negativity and boosting the morale of others in the organization.

Integrity – It is a vital quality that not everyone seems to have. It’s the ability to handle oneself in gray situations and managing to be transparent, honest and speaking up when witnessing something wrong going on in the organization, irrespective of who is doing it.
Agility – Flexibility is another vital trait to have when hiring a candidate for your organization. The business has good days as well as bad days, so flexibility helps in overcoming failures based on earlier experiences. You can always look into their previous work experience and stories to find it out. This is significant because the business landscape is always changing.
Business Oriented – Field knowledge is again top priority because at the end of the day with all the qualities and no knowledge of their own work wouldn’t help the business in any way. People who are not only masters of their work but also stay updated with the latest in the field, because change is the only constant and staying up to date is important, particularly in subject matter expertise.
Team Player – Does the candidate suit the culture fit. Yes, working in an organization is not a solo effort, it’s about teamwork. So, before hiring always think whether you would want to sit next to the person and converse while on a business trip because, if you and your peer can gel well, it would definitely make a big difference to the productivity and organization as well.
Well, these are only a few of the qualities that are needed and employers look for when hiring. If your hires do match most of these then you are certainly managing to do great hiring.

*Sourced from the Internet

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Spicing Up The Job Descriptions For The Job Aspirants

Job descriptions don’t have to be boring and just include the work profile you require for the organizations. Spice it up, not with something that is said for the heck of saying, but something meaningful that makes the aspirant think of applying more than anything else. Job seekers are always looking for value additions when it comes to choosing in between firms. A job description that gives more than just a job profile information against that which offers information about the company culture works and is purposeful definitely is garnering quite a few eyeballs. Here are a few tips around making your job description interesting enough -

Growth Opportunities – Job description obviously includes everything around the job profile but pepping it up with what’s in store at the office for the job seeker as far as not just the job is concerned but the future of the aspirant more so.

Company Culture – A job description already means information around the job profile and that every position from every company will have. What job seekers are looking to know is more about the company, its culture and core values.

Showcase Personality – Rather than just a bland job description, the description that speaks the language that is industry-specific and unique to your organization or the role can attract a lot of eyeballs for sure.

Highlight Advantages – Let the potential candidate know about the company’s efforts in ensuring an enjoyable environment. If the company is into CSR and philanthropy, let the job seekers know about it. It’s not just about competitive salary these days it’s also about perks like flexible works routines, student loans, training, gym memberships, team outings and more.

Well, if the candidate knows about your company’s mission and culture, it will give a fair idea to the candidate about how it’s going to be working there and help him decide whether he or she is a culture fit or not and also allure them for applying considering the benefits.

*Sourced from the Internet